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Roswell: UFO Crash Site

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

In 1947, a farmer came across some weird looking pieces of metal in a field. The military closed the area off. First they said it was a crashed UFO but later said it was a weather balloon.

The year was 1947. It was the first week of July and W.W. "Mac" Brazel, a rancher in New Mexico, rode out on his horse with his neighbor's sons to check on the sheep after a violent thunderstorm. Along the way, Mac noticed some unusual pieces that looked like chunks of metal scattered over a large area. When he went for a closer look he saw a shallow trench, several hundred feet long.

Mac was puzzled and curious about the strange debris and dragged a large piece to a shed. He took some of it to show his neighbors. They told him he might be holding part of a wrecked UFO or a government project. They encouraged him to contact the local authorities. Not long after, Mac headed into the town of Roswell and reported what he had come across to the sheriff. This sheriff passed along the info to Intelligence Officer, Major Jesse Marcel.

When the military arrived at the scene they closed the site off while the wreckage was cleared. On July 8th that same year, a press release said that a flying saucer had crashed. The next day a second press release went out with a different story. They claimed to be mistaken about the flying saucer - it was actually a weather balloon.

The entire event was forgotten until 1970 when Jesse Marcel made the announcement that the military had lied. The crashed object was not a weather balloon but was, in fact, a UFO and alien bodies had been recovered. Everyone involved had been threatened into silence. This story has been told over and over again. Some people believe it was a crashed UFO and there really were aliens. Official documents were eventually released along with a film which apparently shows the military dissection of two alien corpses in '47.

The film has changed millions of people into believers, however, there are still a large number of people who think it's just a hoax. If it is a hoax, it's one of the most effective ones ever. If it's actually real, then the Roswell crash is one of the most important scientific discoveries ever. Whatever the case may be, the crash at Roswell is an interesting topic to read about.

1 I saw an alien before, so I believe.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Mikemillion
Age: 15

1 Well, I saw a real alien on a plane. How? Because we're ALL aliens! We're aliens to other extra terrestrials, right? And they're alien to us! We've all seen aliens!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: alilandry
Age: 15

Have you had an encounter with an alien or seen a UFO? We want to hear about it.


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