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Sindy's Blog :: January 22, 2008

Reviewed by on Jan 21, 2008
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Sindy blogs about her relationship troubles in her free online journal.

January 22, 2008

2008 hasn't gotten off to a great start. I got into a huge fight with Finn about the dumbest thing...

I wanted to go to the mall with Finn to grab something to eat and maybe catch a movie, but he said he was busy with a family thing. So I went to the mall by myself... and saw Finn with another girl! They were laughing and joking around, and at one point, they even hugged! I was so shocked and mad and upset that I stormed over and screamed at him at the top of my lungs. I think I remember calling him a jerk, a liar, a cheater and a couple of other mean names.

Well, it turns out that girl is Finn's cousin who's visiting from Florida. I can't believe I thought he was cheating on me... I feel like the world's biggest idiot! I apologized a thousand times, but he's still pretty mad at me for not trusting him and embarrassing him in front of his cousin.

Should I call Finn again, or let him cool off and wait for him to call me? It's our first fight and I'm not sure what to do. I'm dying for some advice, so !

Peace Out,

1Just give him like two or three days. Call him and tell him you're sorry, keep saying it, prove to him you love him and like never accuse a guy of cheating. Always ask first and if you see them hugging, it's ok. When they kiss is when you should have like went ballistic on him, but I hope things between y'all two work out cause I've been through the same thing with the guy I'm actually with now, so if it is meant to be, it will work. Trust me. Try to let me know how things go with y'all, k? Hope my advice helps you in the long run!
Username: Anonymous

1You should talk to him.
Username: Anonymous

1I think that you should give it a day or two, then go and talk to him...
Username: Anonymous

1Well that stinks... why don't you just let him cool off and then see if he'll forgive you.
Username: Anonymous

1Dear Sindy, if I were you I would wait a couple of days before calling him just to give him time to calm down. When you finally call him back, just explain to him what you were thinking. Hope this helps.
Username: Anonymous

1I think you should call him. It's your fault so he won't call back. You should call him and apologize again and again till he forgives you lol.
Username: Anonymous

1Just wait. He still might be mad. Just let him have a little space. I'm sure he'll come around.
Username: Anonymous



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