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The Spiderwick Chronicles :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Feb 12, 2008
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Join the Grace kids in the action and adventure of the new Spiderwick Chronicles movie with the official video game! We review it.

When Jared Grace discovers Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You, he unlocks a world full of magic and adventure! The books are fantastic, the movie hits theaters on February 14th and you can play along with Jared, his twin bro Simon, big sister Mallory, Thimbletack the brownie and Hogsqueal the hobgoblin in the video game! But, is it full of faerie magic or is it a fat sack of awful? Find out with our game review!

Goblins, Sprites and Teamwork!

This game grabs all the adventure of the Spiderwick Chronicles movie, including video clips from the film, and adds an extra helping of action. You spend most of the game playing as Jared, Simon or Mallory, battling goblins with a baseball bat, sword or anti-goblin squirt gun as you complete quests and capture fairies to use their magic as power-ups. You can also play as Thimbletack, scurrying around inside the walls of the house!

Magic and Adventure

Ever wanted to feed goblins to a troll? Now you can! Most of the game is basic stuff video game stuff, but there are a bunch of things that really stand out as cool. Capturing fairies and using their powers is fantastic, especially seeing DiTerlizzi's gorgeous artwork when you record them. The boss battles are fun and you can get tips from the Field Guide if you get stuck, which is a real boost for younger gamers!

Monsters and Disaster!

Like most games based on books or movies, this one is mostly for the fans. The action is basic, the graphics aren't fantastic and the multiplayer modes are pretty limited. The Wiimote controls are a bit weak too, making it hard to battle with them.

A Thrilling Tale?

The Spiderwick Chronicles game is a fun game with a good dose of adventure and some interesting challenges. Spiderwick fans will have the most fun with this game, but capturing faeries and feeding goblins to the swamp troll is still a hoot.

Thumbs Up:

  • Capture fairies and use their powers.
  • Capture sprites and battle goblins in multiplayer.
  • Clips from the movie!
  • Play as four different characters for different abilities and levels.
  • Thumbs Down:

  • Weak multiplayer modes.
  • The Wiimote controls are barely used.
  • Game Rating: 4

    Available for: DS, PC, PS2, Xbox 360, Wii.

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