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Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Dec 27, 2006

Don't worry, be happy!! It is time for the Nation to smile. With that in mind, I want you to think of something funny that you did today. If nothing comes up, try again. There's gotta be one funny moment that you can think of.

For my part, I've been trying to think of funny jokes. That's where I need your help. I want you to send me all of your best jokes or stories. Keep them clean and I don't mean with soap ha ha...

I was asking my daughters for some good ones. They didn't give me any. For example, one said, "What do you call cheese that's not yours?" Answer: Nacho Cheese (Not yo' Cheese.) Get it? I know, it's pretty lame.

Here's another one: There was a man who went away to Chicago on Saturday. He stayed there three days and he came back on Saturday. How is that possible? The answer will be on the bottom.

Humor can help in many ways. It can get you out of tuff situations, can stop you from crying and can give you another way to look at something. Try it. It's all good when you can laugh at yourself and others.

Remember when you were little the saying "a smile is a frown turned upside down." Well, start practicing now. Cuz when you smile and feel happy and feel good inside, it is a very powerful thing.

The power to smile and laugh is healthy. It is good for you and it don't cost a thing. So help me out. Send me your jokes and stories. I can't wait to read them.

And by the way, Saturday is a horse. Pretty funny, huh?

For more advice from Janet, head to Feelings.

If you need Janet's opinion, or advice, just drop her a note - or a joke in the comments below

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