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Schooled Book Review

Reviewed by on Jul 10, 2008
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Cap Anderson has lived in a commune all his life and never expected to have to go to a real school, or to be elected its President. Kidzworld looks at Schooled by Gordon Korman.

Author: Gordon Korman

Capricorn Anderson has never watched television before. Never tasted pizza. Never even heard of a wedgie. And he never, in his wildest dreams, thought of living anywhere but Garland Farm commune with his hippie Grandma, Rain.

New School

Capricorn (Cap for short) lived every day of his life on Garland Farm growing fruits and vegetables. He was home schooled by Rain, the only person he knew in the world. Life was simple. But when Rain falls out of a tree while picking plums and is stuck in the hospital, he has to attend the local middle school and live with his new guidance counselor, Mrs. Donnelly, and her irritable daughter. While Cap knows a lot about Zen Buddhism, nothing can ready him for a public middle school.

Me, President?

Cap doesn't exactly fit in at Claverage Middle School (nick-named C Average by the kids). He has long hair, wears strange clothes, and practices Tai Chi on the lawn. His weirdness basically makes him biggest nerd in school. This is great news for Zach Powers, the big man on campus. He can't wait to start the tradition at C Average where the biggest nerd is nominated for class president, and wins. So when Cap becomes president, he is more puzzled than ever. But as Cap begins to take on his duties, the joke starts to turn on Zach. Will Cap turn out to be the greatest President in the history of C Average School? Or the biggest punchline?

The Bottom Line

Capricorn Anderson's adventures at Claverage Middle School make the reader consider what's really important in their own life, and though turning off the cell phone and taking up Tai Chi won't happen over night, it does make for interesting discussion. Cap might be a little more out there than necessary, but this book is pretty funny without being silly. Korman uses multiple narrators to show how Cap affects different people's lives, and makes Schooled a solid, fun read for anyone.

Schooled Rating: 4

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