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Juggle Toss Review

Reviewed by on Nov 12, 2008
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Discovery Toys has created a brand-new game called Juggle Toss, which lets you learn a variety of juggling tricks ― no matter what skill level you are at!

Discovery Toys has created a brand-new game called Juggle Toss, which lets you learn a variety of juggling tricks ― no matter what skill level you are at!

The activity set comes with two juggle cups and two beanbag balls. All you have to do is juggle one of the soft bean-filled balls from one cup to the other. You can also put one of the juggle cups down and use just one cup to toss the beanbag into the air and try to catch it.

A third option is to juggle and play catch with a friend, tossing one or both balls back and forth the each other. The possibilities for tricks you can do seem almost endless with Juggle Toss. It’s definitely addicting fun for everyone!

Thumbs up:

  • A fun alternative to traditional juggling!
  • Play alone or with a friend.
  • Create your own unique juggling tricks!

Thumbs down:

  • Juggle Toss only comes with two beanbag balls, so make sure you don’t lose them.

Rating: [RATING 4.5,Toys]

Age: 8 and up
Price Range: 2

Price Range Legend
$0-$15 = 1
$16-$30 = 2
$31-$45 = 3
$46-$60 = 4
$60+ = 5

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