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Dating Dos and Don'ts

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 1 Star Rating

Advice for teens and tweens on dating, friends and love. Advice on puberty and growing up.

Hey guys - we haven't forgotten about you! We know that dating can be just as awkward and tough for you as it is for girls. We've decided to give you a little advice to hopefully make things simple.

Girls Advice to Guys

1 Dial the digits. If you like a girl in your class you've probably already figured out if you have a chance with her. This is usually done via your friend who talked to her friend who talked to her, etc. If it looks like she's interested, don't leave her hanging. Call her up and ask her out. Unfortunately, it's usually up to you to make the first move. If the girl is way-cool and asks you out first, you lucked out. But if she doesn't, you've got two choices: ask her out or spend the entire year staring at her like a dork and going to movies by yourself.

1 Keep her interests in mind. Do something that you'll both be comfortable and interested in doing. For example, if you decide to go to a movie, ask her what she's interested in seeing, don't just pick the flick on your own. There has got to be a compromise between a mushy Freddie Prinze Jr. romance and a Steven Seagal blood bath.

1 Don't diss her. So you had a great time and you really dig this girl, then don't pretend she doesn't exist when you're with your buds or ignore her at school. If you're mature enough to date, you're mature enough to have a conversation with her in public. Even if things don't go as planned, and you decide this chick ain't for you, don't diss her in front of your buds. She's got buds too and you may not get another date with anyone until college.

Guys Advice to Guys

1 Nothing turns a girl on like a musician. If you don't sing or play a musical instrument (cello, violin, etc. do not count,) then you must lie.

1 Never use come-on lines, "Are you from Tennessee? Because you are the only 10 I see." Remember: they simply don't work. And they make you look like a goof.

1 Ok, on the above message it says to lie about being a musician. One, if the girl likes you for you, she won't care if you're a musician or not. Two, eventually she will want to hear you sing or play. Three, it's never good to start off a realationship with lies. Another thing girls love is you being open and sentimental. And girls love it when you say nice things about her. It wouldn't hurt to say she looks pretty sometimes. Trust me on this one. And one last thing - never give up on a girl... because she WILL eventually fall for you - we always do. And if we don't, then we're missing out on a really great guy.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: kittiekittie63
Age: 15

1 Make a move on her. Not a dorky one like one of those goofy pick up lines. Add value to her. Tell her you like her hair or her outfit. Remember, flattery will get you everywhere!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: GoDs GurL
Age: 15

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