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Bone #3 :: Eyes of the Storm Graphic Novel Review

Reviewed by on Feb 14, 2009
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Curious dreams are haunting Fone Bone and Thorn, dreams about dragons and hooded creatures. Kidzworld takes a look at the chilling third volume in the Bone series, Eyes of the Storm.

Author: Jeff Smith

With the Spring Fair come and gone, life on Grandma Bone’s farm isn’t getting any easier for the Bone cousins. The villagers still want to cream Phoney Bone after the stunt he pulled at the Great Cow Race. Apparently the townsfolk don’t appreciate being cheated out of their money. But what do they expect from a greedy guy like Phoney? There’s a hidden agenda in every move he makes.

The Bar Challenge

Now Phoney and Smiley are working at Lucius’s Tavern, trying to pay off their debts. But Phoney’s competitive nature soon gets the better of him. He claims that he could run the bar better than Lucius. So Lucius gives him a challenge. They divide the bar down the middle—Phoney will run one side and Lucius will run the other. But how is Phoney’s side supposed to earn the most money when the villagers want to ring his neck? He needs a plan...and fast.

The Secrets of Thorn’s Past

Back at the farm, Fone Bone and Thorn are distressed by their weird dreams. Fone dreams about the red dragon, while Thorn dreams about people in hoods. Could these hooded people be connected to the evil hooded one who’s after Phoney Bone? Or is Thorn remembering something about her childhood, a time that Grandma Ben refuses to talk about. Thorn is sick of secrets. She wants to know about her past! But if her stubborn grandmother finally cracks, will Thorn be ready to hear the terrible truth?

The Bottom Line

Eyes of the Storm is the longest book so far, but unlike the first two, it lacks a climax. The intensity of the plot stays the same from beginning to end. The story feels like a transition from book two to four rather than a book on its own. The characters seem to be preparing for a journey that they don’t take, a journey that readers will hopefully get to enjoy in volume four, The Dragonslayer.

Bone #3 Rating: 4

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