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Flirting Dos and Don’ts

Mar 03, 2009

You see someone from across the room and think: wow, I really want to meet that person! But how can you be sure your body language gets your meaning across? In other words, how do you flirt?

Body language cues are a great way to show the person you like that you want to get to know him or her better. Check out our flirting tips below and remember: if you notice someone using the same moves on you, flirt right back. Flirting is totally harmless and, like so many other things in life, practice makes perfect!

Flirt with your eyes

Making and holding eye contact with someone you like for about five seconds or so is a great flirting technique. It’s highly effective and easy to do. If you’re the one trying to flirt first, try and lock eyes with the object of your desire at least three separate times. On average, this is what it takes to make him or her realize you are flirting.

Flirting by grooming

Grooming yourself (that is, fixing your hair, posture, etc.) in public is flattering and flirty, but the moves you make will depend on whether you are a guy or a girl. Ladies can try some hair stroking, posture enhancing, neck exposing, hip tilting, clothes straightening or lip licking – you can try all these moves with the intention of calling attention to yourself in front of someone you like. Guys can also straighten their clothes, lick their lips or fix their hair, but they can also add things like hooking their fingers into their belt, sucking in their stomachs and taking deep breaths. Both girls and guys can try using this type of body language to show off your best features while enhancing the unique things that make you, you.

Flirt with a smile

Few things work better when it comes to flirting than a sincere, genuine, radiant smile. The only problem is, smiles are often not linked to flirting, so when you do flash one at your crush make sure you combine in with another flirting method to make sure he or she understands your true intention.

Flirt by pointing

Not with your finger, but with your body. Try “pointing” at your crush by moving toward them physically. Point your feet toward him or her and face the object of your desire head on, using your shoulders to lean in his or her direction. Even crossing your legs in a certain direction is a fab flirting technique.

Flirt with touch

Look for chances you actually touch the person you want to flirt with, either “accidentally” or otherwise. Shaking hands is one idea, though it may seem a bit formal, or you can try placing your hands on his or her arms really gently and casually as you move past your crush. You could also lightly tap an arm while sharing a laugh.

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