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Plant Power: Keeping Our Green Friends Happy

Apr 13, 2009

Earth Day is coming up fast! In honor of this very special day, Kidzworld wants to help all you green (and brown) thumbs out there take better care of our leafy green friends – plants!

Plant Power

Plants, like people, are actually really sensitive to their environment; plants are even known to relate to the moods and behaviors of the people they’re growing around! For example, an angry or hostile gardener will cause his or her plants to wilt, shrink and even die, while a gardener who speaks to his or her plants encouragingly and in a soothing voice, and approaches them with true appreciation and affection, will make them grow strong and beautiful.

All this may sound silly to you – how can plants feel and react to our moods and actions? Well, scientists have proven that the measurable chemical and electrostatic changes that occur within plants are as real as similar ones that occur in humans when emotional changes take place. Plants are even said to be telepathic – in other words, psychic – to some degree, and able to tell whether the person taking care of them is in a happy or pleasant mood.

One of the ways you can keep your plants happy is by speaking to them – just like you’d talk to a baby or a pet, even if they can’t understand the words you are saying to them. Another thing you can do is play music for your plants – just leave the rap and rock and roll in your iPod. It’s best to play soothing, gentle classical music for your plants.

Of course, keeping your plants happy and making sure they grow big and strong takes more than loving words and soothing songs. You have to make sure the soil and nutrients you plant them in are just right, the climate is good, and that there’s plenty of sunshine and lots of water to drink.

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