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Beat Freaks Interview

Apr 24, 2009

By: Sindy

Sindy:: How did you guys get together?

Keely:Most of us knew each other from a group called the Groovaloos but we all come from a more underground hip hop scene. We shared the common goal of representing hip hop in a more foundational way so we wanted to put together a strong group of girls.

Sindy:: How did you find out about Randy Jackson’s America’s Best Dance Crew?

Jules:: We knew about the show because some of our friends are in the JabbaWockeeZ and Super Crew but Lindsay brought it to us.

Keely:: And Rino too. When Lindsay originally brought it to us, we were like, no way, we’re all over the place, but then when they were auditioning for the 3rd season, rino had heard from a choreographer named High Hat who thought we should do it. Then our whole mentality changed.

Sindy:What made you [kwlink 6774]start dancing[/kwlink] in the first place?

Jules:: I kinda had a gift for being able to be on the beat. Michael Jackson’s Thriller inspired me for sure—that’s all I used to play. I remember the record completely—him in his white suit. Then it was Prince Purple Rain then Madonna. I’m from Colorado so there wasn’t a ton of hip hop at the time, so those were the albums and influences.

Keely:I always felt like the awkward little red-headed kid but when I danced I felt like I finally found something that got people’s attention. When I saw street dancing in videos—I remember watching Lionel Richie’s All Night Long—I liked the jazz…but when the street dance came on, I just went crazy.

Shorty:I didn’t like dancing at first because my parents were both ballet dancers and I thought ballet was really boring, but then I saw the Christina Aguilera video for Come On Over and saw a guy spinning on his head and was just like, oh my goodness. I fell in love with it and then after that I decided I wanted to be a dancer and I started breaking.

Teresa:My story’s similar to Jules’ actually—it all started with the MJ and Madonna albums.

Sindy:: That’s awesome though because now YOU guys are on TV and kids will be watching YOUR videos and then they’re gonna wanna dance too! Tell me what it means to Freak the Dream.

Beat Freaks:: Freak the Dream is a concept we all came up with. We all followed our dreams and put ourselves out there and we want to inspire other people to follow their dreams, no matter what they are. It expands past dance—go after whatever it is that you want.

Sindy:: Do you guys ever feel pressure to dress sexy because you’re an all-women crew?

Keely:: No, I don’t feel like we have a lot of pressure since I feel like we made our mark and we’re strong individuals with something to say.

Sindy:: I saw some photos of you guys with Queen Latifah at the MySpace party. Is she a big fan of you guys?

Beak Freaks:: Apparently! We’re a huge fan of hers, I mean she is The Queen. She said keep doing your thing and coming from a hip hop legend—that was quite the compliment.

Beak Freaks:: She had said watching us inspired her to write a screenplay!

Shorty:: We inspired her to freak her dream!.

Sindy:: Do you guys support any causes?

Jules:: We’re 100% behind PETA—we love them. Not all of us are vegetarians, but we do our best. We all love animals—some of us don’t like to eat them and some of us do! (laughs)

Sindy:: Any advice for people like me who want to dance but are really uncoordinated?

Teresa: Put yourself in situations where you’re not comfortable cause that’s where you grow the most—even if it’s in your bedroom and you crank the music—just have fun!

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