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Gone Book Review

Reviewed by on May 02, 2009
Rating: 5 Star Rating

One minute they’re there, and the next…POOF! Every person older than 14 is gone. Blinked. Disappeared. It’s up to Sam and his friends to ease the fear and prevent complete and utter chaos. Check out Michael Grant’s amazing sci-fi novel, Gone.

Author: Michael Grant

One minute they’re there, and the next…POOF! Every person older than 14 is gone. Blinked. Disappeared. Teachers, parents, older siblings…gone. Doctors, cops, store owners…gone. Suddenly the 14 year olds run the town. And everyone is looking to Sam for answers. But what can he do? He doesn’t know where the adults are, or how to get them back. But he does have an idea as to why they disappeared. And he suspects he has something to do with it.

Corrupted by Power

Within days, the town becomes twisted with fear and confusion. There are no phones, no TVs, no internet and no one to help them. A group of students from the local boarding school arrive in town, hoping to establish rules. But the minute they gain control, they use their power for bad instead of good. They’re corrupt, beating up those who don’t obey. But it’s more than just obedience they’re after.

Super Human Abilities

Sam and his friends start to notice things…strange things. There’s a massive endless wall surrounding the town that burns to the touch. And the animals are changing—the snakes are sprouting wings and the wolves can talk. But strangest of all is the super human abilities that Sam and many of the others have suddenly acquired. Sam can shoot a laser beam light from his hands, Little Pete can teleport, and worst of all, Caine, the boy leading the boarding school’s reign of terror, can move things with his mind.

Fight to the Death

As the days dwindle down to both Sam and Caine’s fifteen birthdays, Sam must find a way to destroy Caine, or be destroyed himself. It’s a battle between good and evil as the boys conquer each other and the inevitable POOF!

The Bottom Line

Gone started off slow. But once the characters’ personalities developed, the story took off. The book became more chaotic and climactic with every chapter, making it impossible to put down. This is a definite must read for any sci-fi lover who enjoys end-of-the-world stories.

Gone Rating: 5

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