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Magic: The Gathering: Torment Set :: Trading Card Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 27, 2006
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Wizards newest butt-kicking set of Magic cards is called Torment. Its all about black cards - zombies, ghosts, ghouls and creatures that go bump in the dark.

Magic: the Gathering is the hugely popular game of dueling wizards from Wizards of the Coast. When you play, you get a deck of cards that let you challenge a buddy to see who's the best dueller. If you want more info on how to play, check this out.
how to play, check this out.

The newest set is Torment and it's all about being Bad with a capital B. The set is a sequel to Odyssey. It's based around a story about a squid empire, a treacherous ambassador and these freaky guys that bring their own nightmares to life.

Torment has two new powers to blast your opponents with - Madness and Nightmare.

  • Madness is awesome! It lets you use a card while you discard it. Combine Madness with your own cards or even use it when your opponent makes you ditch a card.
  • Nightmare is a wacky power. When you play a Nightmare card, some of your opponent's power gets scared off. It's great but as soon as your Nightmare card goes away, the power comes back.

There are cards for every player but most of the new ones are black - which obviously gives the player using black cards the advantage. This means lots of zombies, vampires and other evil critters.

There's a ton more info at the Magic the Gathering Web site as well as all the info you need to go from newbie to pro at Or you can send Gary your questions & comments by hitting the Kidz Submit link!

Rating:3I think Magic is cool!!!!!!!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: dany_goku
Age: 15
Rating: 4

Magic is awesome. Toment is awesome.

Magic Tournaments are awesome. Hmmm....alot of things are awesome aren't they?

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: jay_12_2002
Age: 14
Rating: 3

Magic is great but a lot of people have trouble playing it. Thats why every one thinks I'm so good at it cos I always win.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Safeteyhazard
Age: 13
Rating: 4

]I've been playing Magic for some time and it's cool! Other people should try it if they like strategy games.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: jon2bamaster
Age: 14
Rating: 5

I like the Magic: the Gathering card game so I want to email this so good luck to your business.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: michael173
Age: 13
Rating: 1

Dude I'd love to win this contest. Magic is the most happening thing at school. Unfortunately I don't have any cards. I've never gotten the things that are popular until it's not a hot item any more. If I win this than I will finally own a hot item while it's hot!

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Duderonomus
Age: 14
Rating: 5

I've been playing Magic for three years, this set just makes it more fun, it's the game that keeps on giving.

Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Chainer87
Age: 15
Rating: 5

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