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Canada's Heritage Day

Jan 25, 2021

Heritage Day is celebrated on the third Monday of every February and, like the name suggests, is all about Canada's national heritage. Since 1973, several attempts have been made to try and make Heritage Day a statutory holiday so Canadians across the country can celebrate. So far, the attempts have failed, but that doesn't stop Canadians from recognizing and celebrating this day.

Canada's Heritage DayCanada's Heritage Day

What is Canadian Heritage?

Our heritage tells us who we are, where we came from and what influences shaped our nation. You can learn more about Canada's rich heritage in museums, galleries, archives and libraries. If you live in Canada, you've probably seen the posters promoting this day in your school. Several organizations, like Agriculture Canada, Transport Canada and Industry Canada have come together to emphasize the importance of Canada's heritage. Things like boat building by the First Nations, copper mining, the Industrial Revolution and today's economy are all what make Canada a leader in industry and innovation.

Canada: Did U Know?

  • Newfoundland was the first corner of Canada to be seen by Europeans but is the youngest province, coming into Confederation just over 50 years ago.
  • Nunavut is the newest territory, but it's where the Inuit have lived for thousands of years.
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