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Super Smash Brothers: Kids Submit N64 Game Review

Dec 27, 2006

My name is Captain Falcon and I am new to this Web site.

I love Super Smash Brothers so much and my best character would be Captain Falcon, that is why my nickname is named after him. I'm very good at this game and have played Super Smash Brothers Melee too.

Super Smash Brothers Melee has better graphics than Super Smash Brothers but mostly everything has changed. I don't like Super Smash Brothers Melee as much as the first one because I haven't played much - because I have tons of homework I don't have much time to play video games. Otherwise, I would probably be one of the best.

As for Super Smash Brothers, I use tons of strategies in the game. I use the characters Fox, Kirby, Mario, Samus, Link and Pikachu but I am mostly good with Kirby and Captain Falcon. If Super Smash Brothers could be played on computers and online multiplayer, I would accept any challenges when I am not busy.

There are lots of strategies that I know because my friends play too and give me tips and advice. Me and my friends are equal so if one of my friends wanted to battle me, it would be a draw. But not in stocks mode, which I have never played one-on-one before with my good friends, only against my other friends who are so-so at this type of game.

There are tons of combos for Captain Falcon, Mario, Kirby, Pikachu, Link and, last of all, Ness.


Kidz Submit by:

Nickname: Captain Falcon
Age: 14

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