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Letter Home

Dec 27, 2006

The following is a letter written to her parents while she is away at college.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sorry it has taken me this long to write you, but I will update you on all the latest activities happening in my life.

You are not to read any further unless you are sitting down, OK? Are you sitting? Things are going pretty good now. The skull fracture and concussion I got jumping out of the window of my dormitory when it caught fire are almost healed. I did have to spend two weeks in the hospital and now my sight is almost back to normal and I only get the violently ill headaches once a day.

Since the dorm was destroyed I moved into an apartment with a gas station attendant who lives nearby. We are hoping to get married soon! Although we don't have the exact date picked out, we would like it to be before my pregnancy begins to show. He is of a different race and religion than ours, but I'm sure you will love him as much as I do.

Now here's the good news. There was no dormitory fire, I did not have a concussion or a skull fracture and I was not in the hospital. I am not pregnant, I'm not engaged and to be honest, there isn't even a boyfriend in my life. However, I am getting a D in French and an F in Chemistry and I wanted you to see these grades in proper prospective.

Your daughter

Believe it or not? Was this letter really written or all we all suckers who believe everything we read? Take our poll and see what other think.

Find out what else is worth believing or not and click here. Or maybe you have your own story to tell us.

Last weeks story, Cheese Chase, about those crazy Brits who chase cheese down a dangerously steep hill had a lot of you thinking it was true. I don't know for a fact if it is true or not. Every story I've read about this tradition is the same one and they all say it really happens. You can either head to England yourself to find out or decide for yourself if it's true or not.

Here are last weeks poll results:

Believe It or Not?

Yes: 85 percent
No: 4 percent
I don't know: 9 percent

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