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Griffin :: World Mythology

Mar 23, 2020

A powerful beast that has been [kwlink]depicted in literature[/kwlink] for centuries, the griffin is not a creature you'd want to make mad. Get the goods on the figure of Greek mythology.

Griffin - What Is It?

The griffin is a mythical creature that has the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion. Sometimes it is depicted as having a long snake for a tail. Most of the time, only the female has wings and males have spikes on their backs instead of wings.

Griffin :: World Mythology

Griffin - Where Are They From?

The griffin is said to be native to India, although nobody knows for sure exactly where it came from. These winged monsters would find gold in the mountains and built nests from it. Of course, this lured hunters, so griffins kept a very hostile guard over their nests. They would eat the men and devour their horses.

Griffin - Symbolism

Griffins are usually heroic symbols. They are well known for their speed, ability to fly and having eyes like an eagle, as well as the strength and courage of a lion. In hieroglyphics, griffins represent heat and summer. In Assyria (an ancient empire of western [kwlink]Asia[/kwlink],) both the griffin and the dragon were symbols of wisdom. In Roman art, griffins are often pulling the chariot of Nemesis (goddess of justice and revenge).

Griffin - Did U Know?

  • Griffin is sometimes spelled gryphon.
  • Hippogriffs, like the one in the Harry Potter stories, are said to be the offspring of a griffin and a horse - even though griffins are traditionally said to hate horses.
  • In Greek mythology the griffins were always at war against a race of one-eyed humans called Arimaspians who were constantly trying to steal their gold.
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