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Shorts :: DS Game Review

Reviewed by on Sep 29, 2009
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Based on the film of the same name, Shorts for Nintendo DS is an adventure game that places you in the shorts of four of the characters from the movie as they attempt to stop the diabolical Mr. Black and restore order to the town of Black Falls.

Based on the film of the same name, Shorts for Nintendo DS is an adventure game that places you in the shorts of four of the characters from the movie as they attempt to stop the diabolical Mr. Black and restore order to the town of Black Falls.

Getting Dressed

Shorts is only very loosely based around events of the film with really only the characters providing any link to the film. The majority of the game consists of jumping around collecting orbs to power up your special ability, which ranges from a shrink ray to invincibility. Of the four characters offered, each only has two abilities and two of the characters have the exact same abilities leaving you with very little play variety. To make matters worse, only one of the characters has a special ability that defeats enemies, the rest of the characters can only fend off foes by jumping on their heads.

How The Shorts Fit

The graphics are bright and colourful and the game controls well enough, with the stylus used to draw platforms on the screen, should you need them. The first levels are littered with help bubbles so most gamers should figure things out quickly and easily.

The Long And Short Of It

With the exception of the Shorts coat of paint, this is very much a run-of-the-mill adventure that the developers put little time and energy into the game and most gamers would be wise to do the same. Gamers over the age of 12 should stay away, as you will grow bored quickly. Some younger gamers may find some fun in Shorts, but most would be better off playing a game that is either more like the movie it is based off, or is more fun to play.


Price: $29.99

ESRB Rating: E 10+ for Everyone 10+

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