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Separated at Birth - Shakira & Alyssa Milano

Jan 08, 2019

They say that everyone out there has a twin. Do ya ever see a celebrity and think you know who it is, then you realize it's a totally different celeb who looks the same? Check out these celebs who look like they could have the same mom then who you think looks like they've been Separated at Birth.

Actor, Alyssa Milano from the TV show Charmed looks like she could be the sister of Latino pop singer, Shakira. Look at their eyes, eyebrows, nose and the shape of their faces? Shakira's hair color is reddish in this pic but it's not about the hair, it's about the facial features. Yikes... looks like somebody cast a twin spell. Do we have a match or should we start from scratch?

Left: Alyssa Milano | Right: ShakriaLeft: Alyssa Milano | Right: Shakria

I think that they do look a like. Why don't you just look at their birth certificates to see who both of their birth mothers are? This is what I think you should do to find out if they are kin or not. Well bye bye..ttyl!!!
Love Mary

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: Marygurl07
Age: 14

I think that Alyssa & Shakria look nothing alike. Alyssa has been my idol for a long time because my mom and dad named me after Alyssa. That's right my name is Alyssa. Trust me they look totally different.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: bratgirl
Age: 12

You picked the right people. It's a match!

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Nickname: tweety0903
Age: 12

Wow they do look exactly alike! This is the perfect match!!!

Kidz Submit By:

Age: 14

They look nothing alike. I mean you can tell. They only have the same lips.

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: niesha9090
Age: 14

What eva they don't look alike!!

Kidz Submit By:

Nickname: Disturbed
Age: 14

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