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The Vampire’s Assistant Movie Review

Just a few years ago no one was really THAT into vampires. As far as movies went, these blood-thirsty characters were pretty much restricted to the story of Dracula and other historical references. Not anymore. Twilight completely changed that, making blood-suckers HOT – especially for lovesick girls! Now a new movie, Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant is keeping up with the vampire,/b> trend – but also trying to maintain some of the blood and horror that made vampires,/b> so much fun to begin with.

Drac’s Story

In The Vampire’s Assistant Josh Hutcherson and newbie actor Chris Massoglia star as Steve and Darren, two BFFs interested in all things weird wander into a traveling freak show, which takes place in a darkened and mysterious theater, and watch as the strangest of the strange is unveiled before them – including a man named Crepsley and his deadly pet spider. Steve, who loves vampires, recognizes Crepsley from one of his books. Armed with that knowledge, the two teens set out on their adventure.

They soon find themselves caught up in a world of the dark and disturbed, pulled in different directions by other-worldly vampire forces beyond their understanding. At the center of it all is Crepsley, who does, in fact, turn out to be an ancient vampire full of enthusiasm for whatever surprises can be found in the world.

Some of the other “weirdos” in the traveling freak show include a hunchback of unusual height and Salma Hayek as the bearded lady. And then there’s the movie’s villain, a fat man known as Mr. Tiny.

Very Vampy

This movie LOOKS fantastic. A magical world of dark tones and contrasting colors, the fantasy world in which the film is set is totally believable – you’ll get “sucked” right in. It’s an eye-popping creation with its own ideas about how vampires should look and plenty of freaks to have fun with.

The Vampire's Assistant Rating: [rating 4][/rating]

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