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Here Lies Arthur Book Review

Reviewed by on Mar 31, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Philip Reeve, author of the Larklight trilogy, weaves a new tale of the legendary King Arthur. Check out Kidzworld’s book review and summary of Here Lies Arthur.

Title: Here Lies Arthur Author: Philip Reeve
Ages: 12+
Rating: 4

Philip Reeve, author of the Larklight trilogy, weaves a new tale of the legendary King Arthur. Check out Kidzworld’s book review and summary of Here Lies Arthur.


When Gwyna’s village is destroyed by King Arthur and his kinsmen, she’s forced to flee. Myrddin, Arthur’s bard and storyteller, finds her and offers her a job to join their traveling war-band as Myrddin’s apprentice. There’s only one problem: Gwyna is a girl. Somehow she must fool Arthur and his men into believing she’s a boy. But there’s more to being a boy that cutting her hair and wearing pants. Gwyna must learn the rough-and-tough mannerisms that the other boys possess.

A Fading Disguise

During her years as “Gwyn,” Gwyna learns to enjoy her life as a boy. But as the years pass, it becomes harder for Gwyna disguise herself. She’s not growing facial hair, her voice isn’t deepening, and she starts to develop womanly features. Soon, Myrddin is forced to end the charade. He sends Gwyna away where she can learn what it means to be a woman once again.

Missing Boyhood

But Gwyna isn’t happy. She misses the freedom of boyhood. She misses her friend Bedwyn and her horse Dewi. And most of all, she misses Myrddin.

The Bottom Line

Here Lies Arthur by Philip Reeve is a wonderful story that shows the legendary King Arthur in a more realistic light. He’s only human, after all. According to this novel, all his feats and conquests were merely stories spun by Arthur’s very own bard, Myrddin. From Gwyna’s disguises to Arthur’s triumphs, Here Lies Arthur shows how, with the right words, people will believe whatever they are assured is true.
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