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Beam Me Up Scotty - A Real Live Teleporter

Dec 27, 2006

Beam me up Scotty! A team of scientists in Australia has successfully teleported a laser beam from point A to point B in a matter of seconds. But does this mean we will soon be teleporting from the kitchen to the living room on a regular basis? Kidzworld has the 411 on this scientific breakthrough.

The team of physicists from the Australian National University has been working on a device that is able to copy and destroy sub-atomic particles (that means they are super, super small) and then recreate those sub-atomic particles somewhere else. Scientists around the world have been working on similar machines, but this group of Australian scientists has had the most success in repeating the experiment over and over again.

Dr. Ping Koy Lam was the physicist in charge of the Australian team and, although he is excited about this recent breakthrough, he doesn't think we will be using teleportation on human beings any time soon. They would however, like to experiment teleporting solid objects.

Most likely this new scientific discovery will be used, not to transport people from place to place, but to send information instead. Dr. Lam predicts that if the same technology that was used to teleport the laser beam were to be used on a computer, information would be able to travel millions of times faster than even the super-computers of today.

What would you like to teleport? Or if teleportation worked on humans, where would you want to go? and let us know.

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