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Dear Dish-It: My Dad's Girlfriend Is Too Young

Oct 04, 2016

Dear Dish-It,

My dad's 31 and I'm 12 and he's dating an 18-year-old. She's nice but I think she's too young for him. He's constantly saying she's boring and he's gonna dump her. Then the next minute he says she's gonna move in with us. Should I tell my dad how I feel about him going out with someone six years older than me?

emo chick9877

Dear emo chick9877,

Suddenly having a new adult in your life and your home can be really tough. It sounds like you feel uncomfortable with your dad's new girlfriend, and you probably have a lot of questions you want to ask him. I think you should ask your dad if you can speak to him alone, and let him know how you feel about the situation. Maybe he'll be able to answer some of your questions about his girlfriend and her age, and his answers might make you feel better. You'll never know until you ask.

Unfortunately, your dad is an adult and that means he's allowed to make his own choices. While you can definitely let him know how you feel about the choices that he makes, you have to understand that he may not agree with you. But the good news is, if you keep an open mind, you may be able to understand where he's coming from, and that could also help you get used to his younger girlfriend.

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