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Dear Dish-it: Can I Ever Become Dish-it?

May 31, 2010

Dear Dish-it,

I’ve always wanted to be Dish-it – can I ever be???

I have always wanted to do something like this

Dear Wannabe Dish-it!

I’m flattered that you want to be like me! Of course you can be Dish-it you’re your very own way! Are you a good friend? Do you listen when people come to you with their problems? Do you always try and give them the best advice you possibly can? Not only that, do you try your very best to follow your own advice and to set a good example for others? Those are the things that I like to do for the people around me daily, as well as for all the Kidzworld members that send me their questions about love, dating, friends, parents, little brothers and sisters, pets, school, teachers, homework, health, their bodies and on and on and on and on!

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