girl coming in for a landing is a novel in poems written by April Halprin Wayland and takes a new approach to the tried and tested novel format.
Author: April Halprin Wayland
Have you been looking for something a little bit unconventional to read lately? Tired of the same old novel formula that's been used by a million different writers? Are you ready to take a risk and plunge into something new? Well then Kidzworld has the book for you!
A Poetic Story
Girl Coming in for a Landing is a novel but instead of chapters, the whole book is just a collection of poems. This may seem deceiving at first because you might think you can just flip around and find a couple of poems that you like. And while you can still do that, the poems in Girl Coming in for a Landing are put in a certain order to make up a story.
The fictional author of the poems is a young girl in high school and the poems chronicle a whole year of events that take place in her life. From her family, to school dances, to her first crush, the poems tell it all. And they're all short and make their point without a lot of hidden meanings, so you won't have to spend all day dissecting this poetry like you do in your English class.
Another cool thing about Girl Coming in for a Landing are the illustrations that go with the poems. There are groovy cutouts and collages, none of those lame-o sketches that always seem to find a way into teen novels these days.
So if you're interested in a fun, fast read then you should check out Girl Coming in for a Landing. It puts a whole new spin on the way you'll look at poetry, (in a good way!)
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Nickname: SimplyGorgeous
Age: 14
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