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Dear Dish-it: I'm Thinking Marriage

Jul 05, 2017

Dear Dish-it,

I have a boyfriend who is talking about getting married. I'm only 12 and he told me he wants to get married when I turn 18. He'll be 21 then ... do you think it's a bad idea? I mean, to get married at the age of 18? Some of my friends say it's bad cause I need to go to college and some say it would be good cause I'd be happy. I don't know what to choose ... yes or no?

Alexanders girl

Dear Dish-it: I'm Thinking Marriage

Dear AG,

Yikes! In my opinion, it's a little too soon - and you're a little too young - to be talking about marriage (seriously, I mean. Of course it's OK to TALK about it, but it's too early to be PLANNING anything just yet). Why rush into marriage (which is a huge, lifetime commitment)? Your friends are right - what about college? What about all the things both of you want to do?

What if things don’t work out and you’re divorced by 19? People even mocked Drew Barrymore for that! If I were you, I'd hold off on the wedding plans. Just enjoy being with him for now and, if you both still feel the same way when the time comes (like in a decade or so), then tie the knot. If it’s meant to be, it can wait. Like ... until it’s legal in all 50 states.

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