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Despicable Me Movie Review

Apr 21, 2016

Evil villain Gru wants nothing more than to be the world’s greatest supervillain. He stole the jumbotron from Times Square in New York, and the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty…well, the smaller versions from Las Vegas. But still. Now Gru has gotten word that another villain has stolen one of the Egyptian pyramids and replaced it with an inflatable replica. Refusing to be outdone, Gru makes a plan. He will steal the moon.

Despicable MeDespicable MeCourtesy of Universal

Stealing the Moon

But how can you steal something that is 2,159 miles across? He’ll need a secret weapon called a Shrink Gun that will shrink the moon so small, it will fit in his pocket. But when he steals the Shrink Gun, the pyramid thief, Vector, is one step ahead of him, stealing it right out of his hands.

Gru Despicable MeGruCourtesy of Universal

Breaking and Entering

Somehow Gru must break into Vector’s house and recover the Shrink Gun. Unfortunately, Vector’s high-tech security features thwart him every time. But when Gru sees Vector let three orphan girls who are selling cookies into his house, Gru knows what he must do. He’ll adopt the girls and use them to infiltrate Vector’s home.

Gru and the girlsGru and the girlsCourtesy of Universal

A New Family

At first the girls are a pain in his butt. They’re messy and constantly interfering when he’s trying to work. But after he spends some quality time with the girls, his guard starts to break down. He enjoys having a family. But Gru’s assistant, Dr. Nefario, reminds Gru that the girls are getting in the way of his evil plans, making Gru choose between his life’s ambition and his new family.

Despicable MeGruCourtesy of Universal

The Bottom Line

Despicable Me starring Steve Carell is a heartwarming animated movie. Everything about it is so complete and polished, tying up all the loose ends perfectly. Despicable Me is definitely a film you should see in theatres, not just because it’s in 3D. Tell us what you think of Despicable Me in our comments section below!

Despicable MeCourtesy of Universal

Minions!Minions!Courtesy of Universal
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