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Back-to-School Urban Legends

Aug 28, 2013

Have you been dreading going back to school all summer for fear of being stuck in a locker? Or perhaps you've been having nightmares for months about the mystery meat in the cafeteria. Well, Kidzworld wants you to decide - are these urban legends fact, or fiction? Take a guess!

Failing Grade

We've all had the nightmare where you can't remember a single thing on the exam and are rushing to fill in the answers minutes after your teacher has called time. But have you ever called a teacher's bluff? When one Miami, Florida student's teacher told him he would get a failing grade if he didn't finish the test on time, the student asked if he even knew his name. The teacher responded by saying "No. But I'll have a pretty good idea what your name is when I record your failing grade." The student slipped his exam in the middle of the pile and fled from the room. Sources say the student got a B+. Hmmm...

Lip Lock

Ever heard about high school sweethearts Sally and Johnny? These lovebirds were just trying to get a little kissing action out of the way at lunch, when their braces got locked together! They pulled and pulled but nothing budged. They had to shimmy their way to the nurse's office and call the fire department to pry those locked lips apart. So much for not having the WHOLE school find out about your love life.

Fries With That?

Although packing a brown bag lunch isn't always the coolest thing to do, it may be the safest. Do any of us really know what they chop into the casserole surprise, or what sort of meat is thrown into the batch of Sloppy Joes? Maybe all those horror movies where the cafeteria lady throws anything she can get her hands on into the meat grinder aren't that far off the mark. Just a little food for thought.

Have Your Say

Have you heard of any urban legends that you would like to share? Which of these stories are true and which ones are definitely hoaxes?