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All About Animals :: Monkeys

Jan 09, 2018

Do you need some ideas for a school science project? What about animals? Kidzworld is starting a new segment called “All About Animals” and we will be exploring the nature of a particular animal or species every week. This week why don’t we start with everyone’s favorite animal… the monkey!

Monkey Mischief

Monkeys are one of the funniest animals in nature. They are full of curiosity and adventure, mischief and intelligence. A monkey would make a great science project because there are many different species that you could explore, and also, you could study how monkeys evolved into human beings.

Monkey Mischief

Fun Features

Although most monkeys look the same with their long arms and human-like faces, there are over 250 breeds of this species. Let’s take a look at some of their similar characteristics.

  • Monkeys live in the jungle (mostly tropical rain forests)
  • Monkeys love to eat fruits (like BANANAS), but monkeys eat will anything that smells good... and bad
  • Monkeys are sneaky, and in cities like Bangkok, they will steal food from street vendors, stores and unsuspecting tourists
  • Monkeys have feelings just like humans (Love, Fear, Compassion, Hate)
  • Monkeys nurse and help each other when wounded
  • They hold hands and groom with affection
  • Small monkeys can be kept as pets and trained as they are highly intelligent
  • Larger monkeys are strong, quick, and have claws that can kill

Monkey familyMonkey family

Side Stories

When hunting for food, monkeys work in groups. There is always a leader who gathers food while others stand guard. Monkeys speak a language for alerting danger. They have a word for each dangerous predator:

  • Snake!
  • Tiger!
  • Danger!
  • Ehh… No Danger.

Monkey eating a banana

That Little Liar!

Monkeys have been discovered to lie amongst each other. While hunting for food, the leader sometimes finds a treat like an egg. If he wants that egg for himself without sharing with the others, he will yell “TIGER!”. And while his group of hunters retreat into the trees, he has lots of time to kick back and eat the egg all for himself.

Top 3 Favorite Monkeys

Some monkeys are so beautiful, we have to show you their picture. Here are our favorite breeds of monkeys…

Golden Snub Nose MonkeyGolden Snub Nose Monkey

Douc MonkeyDouc Monkey

Finger MonkeyFinger Monkey
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