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The Legend of Mummies

Oct 16, 2018

It’s time to take a trip to Egypt and explore the tombs of the pyramids… we’re going to look into the legend of mummies. Now mummies aren't any reason to get scared... they may be ugly but they are slow and old. They have been decaying for hundreds… no wait, even thousands of years, so if you ever encounter a mummy, one quick Kung Fu kick will probably send them into oblivion.

The Legend of MummiesThe Legend of Mummies

Making A Mummy

Ancient Egyptians created mummies because they believed in life after death. So the kings and queens like King Tut and Cleopatra made sure that their bodies were preserved after they died. Here’s how they made mummies:

  • All internal organs were taken out except for the heart
  • The body is cleaned with oils and spices
  • The body is salted with natron
  • The salt dries the body of all it’s fluids (blood, saliva, sweat etc.)
  • Fingernails were tied on to prevent falling off
  • The body is stuffed with sawdust or linen
  • Faces were painted in resin and given cool masks
  • They wrapped the bodies into many layers of linen bandages
  • The body is finally placed a stone coffin called a sarcophagus
  • The very rich people were placed into private tombs never to be disturbed
  • The whole process took 60-70 days and cost a small fortune of money

King Tut Curse

Now it’s true that mummies are slow and weak but the scary thing about a mummy is there is a curse that follows anyone that comes in contact with one. The curse was recently discovered in 1923 when a Indiana Jones-type archeologist dug his way into King Tut’s Tomb in Egypt. That week he died a mysterious death after getting a high fever and chills. Well that’s what he gets for disturbing a mummy… they were buried in tombs so that they could be left alone!

King Tutu's TombKing Tutu's Tomb

Pharaoh Party in the Pyramids

Did you know that the pyramids were built as the graves for the Kings and Pharaohs of Egypt. There are 50 royal pyramids that have survived thousands of years as the tombs and burial grounds for these mummies. The Egyptians believed that if their King was mummified and protected in the pyramid, he would live forever! Now that's one expensive tombstone!

Egyptian PyramidsEgyptian Pyramids

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