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PokéPark: Pikachu’s Adventure :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Nov 09, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Join your favorite Pokémon friends in PokéPark: Pikachu’s Adventure for Wii as you search for 14 prism pieces in colorful and creative lands. Read the review here!

Fun in the Park

Trouble’s afoot in PokéPark: Pikachu’s Adventure for Wii after the Sky Prism that protects the PokéPark shatters and falls all over the park. If the Sky Prism’s power is lost, the Sky Pavilion could fall onto PokéPark, crushing all of the Pokémon inside. It is up to Pikachu to find all 14 of the prism pieces and restore peace to the land.

In order to find the 14 prism pieces, players must befriend the Pokémon who are holding them. There are a bunch of different zones, including Meadow Zone, Beach Zone and Cavern Zone. Each zone has a different attraction or mini game that needs to be completed in order for Pikachu to befriend the Pokémon. The attractions range from Bulbasaur’s Daring Dash to Empoleon’s Snow Slide, and are for the most part enjoyable.

Pikachu’s Friends

In addition to the 14 Pokémon holding the prism pieces, there are a myriad of others who need to be befriended. Players must complete a variety of skill games depending on the specific Pokémon. Some require a chase, while others want to play hide-and-seek or obstacle hop. After the player completes the task the Pokémon will become their friend and they will receive berries, which are needed to play some attractions.

The controls in PokéPark: Pikachu’s Adventure are simple but vary enough to make gameplay interesting. The zones are colorful and the characters are adorable. Overall this is a fun game that offers a challenge to younger players but is enjoyable enough for those who are a bit older.


Price: $49.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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