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Tony Hawk SHRED :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Nov 27, 2010
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Practice and learn to skateboard without the bruises! Tony Hawk SHRED will get you ready for the real deal while letting you do some cool tricks on your TV screen.

Hop on Board

The plastic skateboard is really well made, being able to take up to 300 pounds. It also responds and controls well, you can steer and do tricks with decent precision and reliability. You will need quite a bit of room in front of the TV in order to play. If you don't have carpet, there is padding included with the skateboard to prevent slipping and scratching.

There are four sensors on the board, one on each side and front and back. Swinging your foot past the side sensors will make your character push off the ground for more speed. You can also crouch down and put your hands near the front or back sensor to make your character crouch down and pick up speed.

Tilting to the side will steer the skateboard while popping up the tail or nose will make you do ollies and nollies. If you do the moves in the air, you can do kickflips and shove-its. Putting your hand near the side sensors while in the air will have your chracter performing grabs.

From Casual to Hardcore

There are three different difficult levels. In casual, the game will steer for you and you only need to worry about doing tricks. In confident, you will need to steer yourself around but the game will help you a bit, but in hardcore mode it won't.

There are lots of different game play modes, including Points Rush and Free Ride. There is also snowboarding available, where you can do flips and rolls. You can play as Tony Hawk or a number of famous boarders, as well as female characters and your Mii. The game has decent music and graphics, but the big issue is that the game is quite expensive. However, the game is lots of fun, especially for people just starting to learn how to skateboard.


Price: $99.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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