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Tron: Evolution Battle Grids :: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Dec 08, 2010
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Take on the computer AI and your friends and family on your quest to be the next Battle Grid Champion! How much of an evolution is this game? Read our review and find out!

Disney is bringing back the Tron legacy with Evolution. While the PS3 and XBox 360 gets a pretty cool looking HD game, the Wii gets a Tron themed mini-games collection and graphics that look a bit like that from the [kwlink 24978]Star Wars Clone Wars[/kwlink] cartoon series.

A Light Battle Game

Tron: Evolution Battle Grids is basically a mini-game compliation. There is a single-player mode with a simple story, but the most fun to be had with this game would be with other people in the multi-player games.

Some of the games are awesome and fun. For example, there is Hyperball, where you try to destroy your opponent's platforms with a bouncing ball. This battle grid game has great controls and is tense and exciting. Other games, however, like the memorable Light Cycle racing from the original movie, is ruined by unreliable controls.

There is also Tanks, which is played in top-down view with the nunchuk controlling your movement and the Wiimote pointer aiming your shots; Light Four Wheeler, which is kind of like Mario Kart battle mode; Arena Battle, where players jump around in a changing platform area and attack by punching or throwing discs; and more.

Unevolved Combat

Without a doubt, some of the mini-games stand out among the others. Luckily, you can do custom tournaments and avoid the games that no one likes. There are other variations and settings that you can mess around with to make the mini-game experience a little different each time you play.

Overall, the Tron theme is interesting, although some of the atmosphere is lost with the cartoony graphics. You can do a lot worse with a mini-game collection, but at the same time, you can also do better. Unless you are a bit Tron fan, there is no need to rush out and grab this game.


Price: $49.99

ESRB Rating: E 10+

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