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May 2011 Horoscopes

May 02, 2011

YAY! May means summer is almost here! Ahh, long, lazy, warm, sunny days – we can’t wait! Find out what your horoscope for the month is going to be! (Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAURUS!)

Aries (March 21-April 19):

Be a leader among your pals this month! As the weather warms up, plan fun activities to do – like going on a picnic or organizing a game of softball! Or take your friends on a field trip to a place you’ve always wanted to see – it’s twice the fun when you bring someone!
Love: If you just broke up with your crush, keep your head up and try not to let the sadness take over your life. There are plenty of other fish in the sea! (If you happen to see one of those other fishies swimming by after the big breakup, hook them on your line before they get away!)

Taurus (April 20-May 20):

Happy Birthday Taurus! You may feel frustrated if it seems like your friends never listen to you. Tell them how you feel and, if nothing changes, you may have to get creative (as in, making a giant sign or talking through a megaphone!). Besides, you’ll be feeling pretty artistic this month; time to let all of your creative juices flow!
Love: If your crush wants to move fast and you want to move slow, don’t speed up just to make them happy! Stay true to you!

Gemini (May 21-June 20):

If one of your friends is having a rough time this month, be a good pal and let them know that you’re there for them, and that everything is going to be OK. You may just find yourself in their shoes later on this month, and you’ll be glad to know that they’re there for you like you were there for them earlier.
Love: Apologizing can be hard, but if you know you’re wrong you should probably say “I’m sorry” to your crush. Don’t worry – you can keep it short and sweet. But they’ll really appreciate your effort to make things right.

Cancer (June 21-July 22):

A great idea will go unnoticed if you don’t raise your hand and let people hear about it… It may be hard to get over your jitters at first, but once you see (and feel) how supportive everyone is about your plan, you’ll know you did the right thing by sharing it.
Love: Your crush has been so nice to you, it’s time to do something sweet for them. Bake or buy them a treat or leave a note in their locker! Do something – anything! – that will show them how much you care.

Leo (July 23-August 22):

With summer just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about getting a summer job. Try asking your neighbors if they’ll need anyone to mow their lawn, walk their dog or babysit… If you sort your plan to make money out early, you’ll be ahead of all the other kids once the warm weather rolls around.
Love: If you’ve been single for a while and are starting to believe you’ll never meet that special someone, it’s time to start doing something about it! Sitting back and waiting for someone to find you might work in fairytales, but it doesn’t always happen that way in real life.

Virgo (August 23-September 22):

If you’re dealing with a cranky sister, brother, mom, dad or friends, try being extra super sweet to them – it usually works! If it doesn’t, give them space to sort their feelings out themselves. They’ll eventually feel better and all will be well.
Love: If you feel like your crush is hiding something from you, try talking it out with them. Going behind their back and trying to figure out what was really said or done without ever speaking to them directly is bound to end up biting you in the butt!

Libra (September 23-October 22):

If you work on any group projects this month, make sure you have input into how things go. Even if you’re not normally a leader, you’re full of great ideas and creativity, and showing those things off will only you’re your group ace the assignment!
Love: If your crush keeps making excuses, it may be time to let them go.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

Reaching out to new people who may be too shy to talk to you and your friends will make them – and you! – feel good this month. Remember: you never know what someone is about (or if you’ll get along with them or not) until you take the time to get to know them better. It could even mean a new BFF for you!
Love: If you’ve been feeling lonely lately, take some time to work on loving spending time with just yourself. And if you’ve been stressing about asking your crush out on a date, just do it! Rejection totally sucks, but you’ll never know if it’s a YES or a NO until you try!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):

Your friends may be getting a little tired of hearing all your opinions. It’s OK to feel strongly about things, but sometimes you need to let others have their say, too. And, if they’re too shy to speak up, ask them what THEY think the next time you start talking about “stuff.”
Love: You may be surprised to find yourself crushing on someone who seems to be your total opposite. Just roll with it and enjoy – they’ll have lots of new things to teach you and you’ll find yourself trying things that would normally be outside of your comfort zone (nothing bad, though).

Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

End-of-school exams may be looming, but don’t start panicking just yet. If you start getting ready now (and especially before May 11 and 12), you’ll be in good shape to ace all your tests and get stellar marks on your report card once June rolls around.
Love: It’s important to remember that your crush isn’t a mind reader. If you expect them to know exactly how you’re feeling without saying a word – good luck! A better approach is to be open and honest with your crush (and everyone else) about how you feel and what you want. That way, no one has to try and guess at what will make you happy!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

There’s tons on your plate right now (and we’re not talking about food). If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things you have to do, get a day planner, get organized, and start tackling your list item by item. It feel so good to cross things off as you get them done.
Love: Don’t freak out if someone “unconventional” catches your eye this month. Remember, it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks about the people you crush on – all that matter is how you feel inside your heart!

Pisces (February 19-March 20):

It’s a great time to surprise someone! Whether it’s friends or family, plan something that’s totally out of the blue and watch their faces when you yell, SURPRISE! If you find yourself having some pretty crazy dreams this month, write them down as soon as you wake up.
Love: If you’re hearing bad rumors about your crush, double check the source before you act on the info. Better yet, go with what you know and refuse to get caught up in the gossip.

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