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Dear Dish-It: I’m Scared to Get Braces

May 04, 2011

Dear Dish-it,

I need braces but I’m scared because people say it’s painful. My friend Ava said her braces cut the inside of her mouth. Do thay really hurt?


Dear Jazzlover321,

Getting braces is something most kids have to do – whether they want to or not. We’re not gonna lie – it can be painful at times. Personally, I can’t remember my braces ever cutting the inside of my mouth. The painful parts mostly happened when I had to go in to see the orthodontist every few months to get my braces tightened (and that pain only lasted about a day or two); other than that, it really doesn’t hurt that much and you actually kinda forget that you even have braces in your mouth! Here are some other tips that can help you get through having braces on your teeth; and remember, millions of other kids have done it, and so can you!

Forward Thinking

One thing that can help you get through the two or three years of having braces is to keep the end goal in mind. Once you’re done and the orthodontist takes them off, you’re gonna have the straightest, most beautiful teeth! Trust me, it’s worth the teeny tiny amount of pain you may go through!

Getting BracesBraces Give You Perfect Teeth

Lucky You

If you’re still feeling nervous or like you’d rather not get braces, think about how lucky you are that you even have the option! Braces are expensive, and lots of kids can’t afford them. They’d love to have the perfect smile that you’re gonna end up with – so be grateful!

Pig Out

Like I said, I hardly experienced any pain at all when I had braces. What was ANNOYING, however, was the fact that there were lots of foods I couldn’t eat while I had them on my teeth – stuff like bubblegum and corn on the cob. So in the weeks and days leading up to your new braces, feel free to snack on all the forbidden foods that you may not be able to enjoy for a while!

Getting BracesYou Won't Be Able to Chew Gum With Your New Braces

Prep Work

Still nervous? Make sure you’re ready with certain essential supplies before your new braces go on. You’ll be happy to have plenty of wax and maybe even some gum-numbing ointment to soothe the first amount of pain you may feel from your new braces. Also, make sure to ask the orthodontist to give you some special floss (made to clean behind your braces) and tiny brushes to keep them clean. And don’t forget to stockpile some special foods for the first week that you have braces. Since your mouth may feel a little sore, you’ll likely want to stick to soft stuff like pudding, Jello and smoothies for a while.

HAVE YOUR SAY: What do you think Jazzlover321 should do? Do you have some good advice? Leave your comment below!

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