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Friday the 13th

Sep 13, 2019

Wooooo… Friday the 13th is here! Call in sick, lock the doors, rent some funny movies and don’t do anything all day cause this is the creepiest day and why even bother taking any chances. Friday the 13th happens at least once a year, and there is a strong superstition that this day is a day of bad luck for everyone.

Friday the 13th is amongst usFriday the 13th is amongst us

Logic or Luck

OK but maybe you are a completely logical person and you’ve realized that bad luck is a bunch of baloney. People who believe Friday the 13th has evil superstitions have a sickness or a phobia called friggatriskaidekaphobia and it is because they are scared of the number 13. What the heck is wrong with 13 anyways?

Unlucky List

It’s kind of funny how 13 became an unlucky number, but this will help explain why Friday the 13th became known as the “unlucky” day:

  • The number 12 completes everything like months of the year and hours of the clock so everyone got mad at 13 because it’s the first number outside of the box of completeness.
  • In some stories called “The Canterbury Tales”, the English made Friday an unlucky day by writing some scary stories about bad things that happen on Friday.
  • The biggest reason why Friday has such a bad wrap is because according to the Christian scripture, Jesus was crucified on a Friday.

Canterbury Tales were told 100s of years agoCanterbury Tales were told 100s of years ago

Friday the 13th Facts

  • People are so scared of this day, stats show that the USA loses $800-900 million dollars in business every Friday the 13th
  • In the Netherlands, a study was done to show that there are fewer accidents because people are more careful on Friday the 13th.
  • Horror Movies are generally premiered on Friday the 13th
  • Tupac Amaru Shakur died on a Friday the 13th
  • Unix time reached 1234567890 on Friday the 13th in February of 2009
  • A asteroid is scheduled to come close to contact with the Earth on a Friday the 13th in 2029
  • Hospitals will never have a room 13 and most buildings skip naming the 13th floor

Elevator Numbers often skip the 13th floorElevator Numbers often skip the 13th floor
Have Your Say

Do you believe Friday the 13th is unlucky? Let us know in the comments section below.

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