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Pretty Little Liars: Season 2, Episode 8 :: Save the Date

Jul 10, 2018

This week on Pretty Little Liars (Season 2, Episode 8), Emily’s stomach pains land her in the hospital, giving Spencer the perfect opportunity to search for Alison’s autopsy report. Kidzworld recaps Save the Date, which aired on August 2, 2011. 

Caleb's Stalker

After her parents spend the night together, Hanna gets her hopes up that her family might become whole again. That is, until she receives a wedding invitation from her father’s fiancée. Her mother, who wants more stability in a relationship, decides to end their affair, leaving Hanna angry and upset. Meanwhile, Hanna notices a man tailing her almost-boyfriend, Caleb. She whisks Caleb away to Spencer’s cabin where they have a little “alone time.”

The Field Hockey Stick

Spencer has been asking too many questions about autopsies for officer Garret’s liking. She wonders if the report could determine the murder weapon, or give her any new clues about Alison’s murderer. Meanwhile, in preparation for her swim meet, Emily has been using an excessive amount of cream to sooth the pain in her stomach. But when the pain becomes too much, she winds up at the hospital with no chance of competing. Spencer and Aria use this hospital visit to search for Alison’s autopsy report. They break into the morgue and discover that a field hockey stick is likely the weapon. And worse, the report showed that there was dirt in Alison’s lungs, which means the weapon didn’t kill her. Alison was buried alive.

Love Triangle

Aria has been struggling to hide her feelings for Jason. And Ezra can tell that something's going on. What makes things worse is that Jason seems to be the prime suspect in Alison’s murder investigation. And the fact that the weapon was a field hockey stick doesn’t help this case. 

Who is the strange man following Caleb? And is Jason really Alison’s murderer? Check back next week for another recap of Pretty Little Liars.

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