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Pokémon TCG: Preparing for the World Championship Tournament

Aug 10, 2011

The Pokémon World Championship Tournaments for both the Trading Card Game and Video Game are just around the corner! The tournaments will be happening in San Diego from August 12 to August 14. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you prepare for the biggest Pokémon Tournament of the year!

Know the Cards

It’s very important to know your TCG Deck inside out. This means being able to keep track of how many Energy Cards or Trainer Cards you have left in your deck as you play through it. This can help you make important decisions such as whether to discard an Energy Card to retreat or to keep your current Pokémon active. It’s not a good idea to play a deck you built the night before the tournament, because as great as your ideas may be, without play-testing you really don’t know how well it will really work!

Practice Makes Perfect

There will always be luck factors in Pokémon, such as starting with a very low HP Pokémon or flipping tails on Super Scoop-Up and Dual Balls. However, if you practice with your deck often enough against various match-ups, you can work around these luck issues by modifying your deck and adding in cards that are not luck-based.

 You Will Face These

There are some very popular decks that you will for sure see at Worlds, so make sure you have a good match-up against them, or know how to play against them! Pokémon such as Yamega, Magnezone, Reshiram and Zekrom are very valuable right now, because everyone seems to want to put them in their decks. Yamega has free retreat and free attacks, Magnezone gives you draw power, and both Reshiram and Zekrom are Basic Pokémon with 130 HP, making these four very powerful.

Join the Fun!

Whether you’re a competitive Pokémon player or just someone interested in Pokémon, if you’re in the area this upcoming weekend, why not drop by the Hilton San Diego Bayfront where the event will be held? There are multiple side events going on to make sure that no one, not even spectators or family members, will be bored!

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