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Crazy Machines: Wii Game Review

Reviewed by on Aug 19, 2011
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Put your brain to the test in Crazy Machines for Wii as you solve riddles, completing chain reactions. Should you buy the game? Read Kidzworld’s review to find out more!

Crazy Machines is a puzzle adventure game that focuses on chain reactions (in the spirit of Rube Goldberg, a famous inventor). In order to beat the game you will need to master these reactions. Will a ball bounce high enough to flick a switch? Will the marble be heavy enough to knock over a tin can? These are questions you will need to ask yourself while solving the riddles in Crazy Machines. The excitement level is not high, but if you like a good brain teaser, this is the game for you.


In Puzzle Mode, players need to complete a puzzle (or machine) using a certain number of parts. Each level has a different objective. In order to finish the level you will need to successfully complete the objective by choosing the correct parts (ie. switches, levers, balls) to include in the experiment. Players receive gold gear wheels – which unlock more challenging puzzles – at the end of each level. You may be rewarded extra gold gears if you are able to complete the level using fewer parts than required. As the level goes on, players will be able to test the machine to see if they have the correct parts in place. If the machine doesn’t complete the full chain reaction, players must determine where they went wrong and then fix it quickly.

Double Trouble

In Multiplayer Mode, players compete against each other in mini-games, fighting for the most points. Up to four players can work to complete the riddles. Each player gets a different color and can only use parts designated to them. To add to the challenge, players can control specific parts while the machine is running, causing the chain reaction to change. This can make it very difficult for other players.

The Sandbox

In Sandbox Mode, players can exercise their creativity by developing their own levels and mini games, and then send them to friends! Choose the parts you want to use and then challenge someone you know to complete it. Can you outsmart them? Read up on all the parts in the Lexicon, a reference room, and see what ones work the best. Need something specific? You can rotate, scale and bend some parts to suit your puzzle!

Rating: 3

Price: $19.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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