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Amazing Kid Artists

Jul 10, 2018

Once every 500 years or so, a really special artist is born. Someone like Leonardo De Vinci or Michelangelo comes along and totally changes the way artists draw, paint and sculpt masterpieces. In this new millenium there are a couple of young kids that have been turning heads in the art world, keeping all of us guessing about who will create the next Mona Lisa!

Aelita Andre

A Painter's FaceCourtesy of

Aelita Andre is a professional painter and she is only four years old. Her paintings sell for thousands of dollars! Her most expenisive painting sold for $24,000. A lot of people don’t understand why her paintings are worth so much money because all of her paintings are abstract and to the untrained eye, they look like anybody could paint them. However, if you watch her in action, you might understand how unique of an individual she is and why everyone wants to buy her art.

Kieron Williamson

Painting boatsCourtesy of

Kieron Williamson is nine years old and he is making a big splash in watercolor paints. He was never interested in artwork until he was 5 years old and he saw some boats on a family vacation. He asked his mom for a drawing pad and a way he went. At first his drawings were only average and what any 5 year old child would be capable of drawing...

1st DrawingCourtesy of

But as time went on, Kieron became a World Class Artist with the ability to paint as good as anyone. He held his 2nd art exhibition where he displayed 16 of his recent paintings and he was sold out in only 14 minutes making over $30,000. Here are a few of Kieron’s secrets:

  • Looking at other people’s drawing and paintings
  • Learning how to mix colors together to make other colors
  • Using only the best quality of paints (professional paints, not the poster paints you might find in kindergarten)
  • Learning how to work with all types of paints (watercolour, acrylic, oils)
  • Studying and practicing with good teachers

Wanna Go Pro?

If you want to become a professional painter like these kids, it’s never too late. Aelita and Kieron are great examples of children who take the first steps themselves to do spectacular things with artwork. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of courage to try and see what happens!

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