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Sonic Generations: Xbox 360 Game Review

Reviewed by on Nov 07, 2011
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Celebrate 20 years of Sonic with Sonic Generations! Has the years been kind to Sonic? Find out in our game review!

It has been twenty years since the speedy blue hedgehog first took his red sneakers and ran around Green Hill Zone. For better or worse, he's acquired quite a few friends and new abilties along the way as well. Sonic Generations looks to explore much of Sonic's history in a game that mixes classic 2D platforming with 3D levels. It's sure to be an exciting run!

Sonic for the Generations

In Sonic Generations, you get to play as two different Sonics. There is Classic Sonic, who will run through 2D platformer levels. You will get access to the spin dash and also classic power-ups from varous item boxes that you can find and break as you race through the level. Modern Sonic, on the other hand, who will usually travel through levels in full 3D, but will occassionally shift into 2D platformer mode. The modern green-eyed Sonic gets the homing attack and often gets to show off his ability to grind on makeshift skateboards.

Stop and Smell the Roses

In Sonic Generations, the levels offer lots to explore. There are many paths that you can take as hidden ramps, jumps and emblems give you options. Not only can they help you run through a level faster and score a better ranking, but there are neat challenges here and there as well.

Overall, Sonic Generations is solid and is great for Sonic fans old and new. There are lots of wow moments in the game and gameplay itself is the right balance of challenging and fun. Most importantly, the game feels like a good Sonic game and it feels like Sonic games in general are getting better again.

Have Your Say!

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Price: $49.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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