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Kinect Sports: Season 2: Xbox 360 Game Review

Reviewed by on Nov 17, 2011
Rating: 4 Star Rating

Its time for another season of Kinect Sports! Six new sports are featured in Season 2, but will it be enough to reach the top? Read our game review to find out!

Playing tennis on your home console with motion control is not a new thing. Aside from the obvious Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort, we had Kinect Sports last year when the Kinect motion control first came out for the Xbox 360. Sports Resort included bowling, boxing, track & field, table tennis, beach volleyball and soccer.

Season 2 Deja Vu

The newest version of Kinect Sports features tennis, golf, darts, baseball, skiing and American football. It's a mix of sports that you might have already played with motion control in another game and some that are brand new. Tennis, golf and baseball is exactly what you expect. Darts will have you tossing invisible darts that are surprisingly accurate.

Skiing is all about staying in the correct position and can be quite a workout on the thighs if you are not used to it. In American Football, you can take on the role of the quarterback or receiver and mimic the actions you need to do to pass the ball, catch it, and run past the defense to score a touchdown. The computer handles all the defense.

Highlights and Summaries

Overall, Kinect Sports: Season 2 is well done. The graphics are decent and the motion control is really good. Like most of the other motion control sports games that have come before, Kinect Sports: Season 2 is most fun when enjoyed with a group of people. If you are playing by yourself, there is only so much that six sports-themed mini-games can offer. If you have a Kinect and are looking for a new game to enjoy, or if you haven't gotten tired of sports-themed party games yet, then Kinect Sports: Season 2 is not a bad pick.

Have Your Say!

What do you think about motion controlled sports games? Does Kinect Sports: Season 2 look cool to you or is it done to death? Have your say in the comments below!


Price: $49.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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