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Mirror Mirror Movie Review

Reviewed by on Apr 01, 2012
Rating: 5 Star Rating

Julia Roberts and Armie Hammer star in Mirror Mirror, based on the story of Snow White. Kidzworld has the movie review.

The Queen’s Reign

When her father never returned from battle, Snow White (Lily Collins) grew up under the selfish reign of the evil Queen (Julia Roberts). The Queen thrived on greed. She continuously taxed the people of the kingdom who were already so poor they were starving, and she refused to let Snow White see the light of day.

Snow White Escapes

On her 18th birthday, Snow White sneaks out of the castle to visit the townspeople. On her way she discovers two half-naked men hanging from their feet in the forest, who claim to have been attacked by giant bandits.

The Death Sentence

Upon her return to the castle, Snow White discovers that one of the men is a prince (Armie Hammer) and she’s immediately smitten. Unfortunately, the Queen has already put her claim on him and will stop at nothing to see that he marries her. After a royal ball, the Queen sends her trusted servant to deliver Snow White to the woods where the beast can feast on her.

Snow White and the Bandits

With Snow White out of the way, the Queen casts a spell on the prince to make him love her. But little does she know that Snow White is alive and well. She has joined the “giant bandits” (who are actually dwarves) and is learning their thieving ways. Now it’s up to Snow White to break the Queen’s spell and rescue the prince before the wedding can take place.

The Bottom Line

Mirror Mirror is a great good versus evil film. The story breaks away from the traditional fairytale of Snow White with subtle changes like the humor and the names of the dwarves. For everyone who likes a good fairytale remake, we definitely recommend Mirror Mirror.

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Mirror Mirror Movie Rating: 5

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