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How to Decoupage

Jun 21, 2012

Want to give a notebook, a frame, a little box or even a cell phone cover your own unique style? Try decoupage and you can use paper and some glue to give your favorite object a new look. Decoupage is an old technique of covering something in paper and coating the paper with a lacquer to make a hard layer. It's an excellent and easy way to decorate.

It's best to decoupage something that is hard and has a strong backing. Paper on paper doesn't work very well and with the wetness of the glue everything can mush out. So plastic, metal, wood or strong cardboard is your best bet.

What You'll Need:

  • An object to decoupage: hard surfaces work best
  • Paper: magazine paper or gum wrappers, doesn't matter
  • Glue
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Mod Podge (optional, you can find this at most craft stores)

Glue, Paintbrush, Paper, Something to Decoupage, Mod Podge and ScissorsGlue, Paintbrush, Paper, Something to Decoupage, Mod Podge and ScissorsCourtesy of Josie Mitchell

What You'll Need to Do:

  1. Cut the paper and arrange it on the object you want decoupaged. Best to plan it out.
  2. Glue the paper onto the object.
  3. Using a paintbrush and either Mod Podge sealer or the glue you used in step 2 (best if it's white glue), coat the paper in thin layers. Depending on the type of sheen or hardiness to the coat, apply as many or little as you see fit. Make sure to let each layer dry fully before applying a new one. This can take up to an hour.
  4. Let the final coat dry.
  5. Enjoy the new look to your decoupaged stuff!

Have Your Say

What could you decoupage? Your bedroom wall or a picture frame. Get creative! Share it with us in the comment's section below.