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The Stooges’ Summer Fun Travel Packing Guide

Jul 12, 2012

Got a family road trip coming up?  Don’t get caught without these essentials!  Check out some of our must-have fun items for traveling families this summer – complete with recommendations from Larry, Curly and Moe.  What are some of your favorite items you can’t leave home without?

Larry Recommends:


Having a bald head is basically a gentle reminder to pack the SPF75.  Even if you have a full head of hair, it’s important to keep those harmful UV rays at bay – so grab the spray, lotion, gel, etc… and get ready for fun in the sun!


You gotta kill the time somehow.  Pack your travel editions of Battleship, Settlers of Catan and Uno – or use your imagination and play “I Spy” or the license plate game and you’ll be at your destination before you know it.

Curly Recommends:

Whoopee Cushion

Maybe avoid using this barrel of laughs in the car, but once you arrive at your hotel/aunt’s house/where ever you end up – a whoopee cushion is small enough to hide and prank your friends and relatives.  Remember, you’re creating memories…


You can get mighty hungry on those lengthy stretches of road.  Some easy and healthy food options like fresh fruits and veggies, pretzels, crackers, nuts, popcorn and beef jerky.  Don’t forget to stay hydrated too!

Moe Recommends:

Seed Money

You can’t get far without coinage.  Be sure to keep a few bucks on hand in case you need more water, snacks, etc…  You never know when it may come in handy.


Someone needs to be the responsible one in the group.  Designate a navigator and if you are travelling far or to a place you are unfamiliar with, stop and grab a road atlas or plug in your GPS.

All The Stooges Recommend:

First Aid Kit

Safety Forst!  The Stooges are always fooling around, but it’s important to keep band aids, gauze and ointment on hand in case anyone gets too carried away.