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Ice Age: Continental Drift - Arctic Games: Xbox 360 Game Review

Reviewed by on Jul 24, 2012
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Have some good times playing mini-games with your favorite characters from Ice Age: Continental Drift. More details in our game review.

The fourth Ice Age movie is out and, as usual, there is a video game to go with it. Unlike other movie license games, however, Ice Age: Continetal Drift - Arctic Games does not follow the movie plot exactly. A secret treasure has been discovered and the game focuses on all the characters competing with each other to claim it. Ice Age: Continetal Drift - Arctic Games features mini-games that uses the motion control of your preferred console, including Wii, Kinect, PlayStation Move, and 3DS.

The Usual Suspects

All of your favorite characters are present in some way, shape, or form. You can play as Manny the Wooly Mammoth, Diego the Sabertooth Tiger, Sid the Sloth, and more. The characters look great and the voice actors have lent their talents to help the characters come to life in the game. There are ten mini-games in total, including curling, ski-jumping, slalom, glacier hopping, catapult, and squirrel canon. As you play in single player, you can earn medals depending on how well you did. Go for the gold or challenge your friends in multiplayer!

Bronze League

In the end, Ice Age: Continetal Drift - Arctic Games is an average game at best. The graphics look good and the Kinect motion control works fine. However, there is not too much in the game to get excited for. There is only ten mini-games and little plot to tie them all together. The games themselves are fairly simple and get boring quickly. If you are a big fan of Ice Age, then the game might be worth it to you. Most likely, even then the game is probably just something to rent for a few nights only.


Price: $39.99

ESRB Rating: E for Everyone

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