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The X Factor: Season 2, Week 1:: Season Premiere Auditions 2

Sep 14, 2012

This week on The X Factor it was the second season premiere, and last night was part 2 of the first round of auditions. Find out more about the second night of the second season premiere of The X Factor, Week 1 which aired September 13, 2012.

San Francisco

Things were off to a slow start in San Franciso, and the judsges knew it with each of them hoping for something special to turn the day around, 16-year-old Johnny Maxwell lifted the mood with a rendition of one his own original song (all about making it big!) and got the judges, and the room, in a good mood. An overzealous fan brought new judge Britney Spears flowers, "sang"  her song "Circus" and worried everyone with his level of intensity. The San Francisco auditions truly turned around though when 34-year-old tech support worker walked onstage, gushing and excited to be there and seeming a little kooky, and then wowed the judges and audience with his Sinatra-like voice singing "New York State of Mind." Both Johnny and Jason went through to boot camp!

Providence, RI

Providence also had its share of blusters and blunders with the judges losing hope, until adorable 13-year-old Carly Rose Sinclair, who lives to sing, walked on and performed a perfect version of Nina Simone's "Feeling Good" with the soul, composure and stage presence of seasoned pro. Demi Lovato claimed she was "obsessed" and Britney called her a "little diva".

Throughout the show Demi Lovato never failed to mention when she thought a contestant was cute, which is going to get her some teasing from Simon in the future, and Britney is surprising everyone as the judge who tells it straight. That's 3 more contestants on their way to bootcamp and a possible $5 million recording contract.

Have Your Say

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