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So Undercover Blu-ray Review

Reviewed by on Feb 05, 2013
Rating: 3 Star Rating

Miley Cyrus is a college girl/FBI spy in her new movie So Undercover. Read the movie review on Kidzworld.

By: Lynn Barker

Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) is a tough, semi-successful private investigator partnered with her dad when she’s recruited by the FBI to join a posh sorority and go to college with a brand new car and wardrobe.  Of course, she’ll have to pack a gun and protect the daughter of a key witness against the mob.

Brooke (Miley) on the caseBrooke (Miley) on the case

Story Goes:

Older teen Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) rides a motorcycle and takes pictures of cheating spouses for her private detective dad. This includes some dangerous get-aways and FBI agent Armon Rand (Jeremy Piven) needs a college-age girl to go undercover in a sorority to protect the daughter of a key crime witness. Molly at first refuses but when her gambling dad loses all their money, she takes the job.

Molly gets a clothes and make-up makeover and a new car and arrives on campus as Brooke, a transfer from the U of Hawaii who is semi-welcomed into the Kappa house by the snooty sisters. Most friendly is her accountant major roomie Becky (Kelly Osbourne). “Brooke” secretly protects Taylor (Alexis Knapp) while trying to find out who might be a mob “mole” in the group. Of course, there is Nicholas, that cute guy with a motorcycle (Joshua Bowman) that she is crushing on and a suspicious criminal science professor. Is anybody at school who they seem?

Kelly Osbourne as BeckyKelly Osbourne as Becky

Wrapping Up:

There are no special features on this Blu-ray so we’ll just go with the movie. It’s kind of a mixture of that Sandra Bullock movie Miss Congeniality (tough cop made to go all “girly” to crack a case) and the popular TV series “Veronica Mars” (daughter of a cop who learned the biz from her dad and starts a P.I. agency). 

Motorcycle MamaMotorcycle Mama

The movie cast includes a few faces you might know. Besides Kelly Osbourne, there is Megan Park, Grace on TV’s “Secret Life” and cute Josh Bowman, a series regular on TV’s “Revenge”.  Some of the jokes aren’t that hilarious and, although Miley is fine as a fish-out-of-water sorority girl, I can’t buy her as a tough motorcycle babe and action actor holding a gun on baddies.  You feel like any minute that tough, steely gaze she is trying for will dissolve into giggles!  What works are some pretty cool story twists in the final third of the film that you might not have seen coming.

Action Miley!Action Miley!

If you are a Miley fan, you might want to collect this movie. Otherwise, it is worth a rental if only for the twist ending and a few fun college girl moments. And, okay, it’s fun to see Miley at least try to do action and be tough!  We’ll go 3 stars.

So Undercover Blu-ray Rating: 3

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