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DIY Jean Pocket Tool Belt

Feb 12, 2013

Where did the scissors go? Where is my pencil hiding? Tools go missing lots. It’s what they do. Tool belts are perfect to keep things organized and close at hand, but some of them are bulky, expensive and not intended for what you need. That’s why making your own is perfect!

Use up-cycled jeans to make a tool belt for your needs. It can be used as an apron in the kitchen or for your crafting tools. Plus, it's super cute! Here’s how to do it!


  • Old pair of jeans
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread


  1. Cut off the legs of the jeans like you would to make a pair of denim shorts.
  2. Cut along the seams of the legs and cut off the front part of the shorts leaving the waistband intact. Go ahead and cut off the front pockets, the back pockets will be on your front so you won’t need these front pockets on your back.
  3. Patch any holes in the back pockets.
  4. If you need a loop for a hammer, trim a piece of seam from the legs you cut off and sew it on the side of the belt for a hammer holder.

Cut the Front of the JeansCut the Front of the Jeans Leaving the WaistbandCourtesy of

Have Your Say!

What tools do you use the most? Any at all or do you have a well equppied tool box? Share your tool habits in the comment's section below.