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Q&A with Eliminated American Idol Contestant Devin Velez

Apr 01, 2013

American Idol contestant Devin Velez made it to the Top 8, and many thought he was an under-appreciated contender, but this week he was sent home. Kidzworld caught up with Devin to get the scoop! 

KW: We were really sorry to see you go! Did you think it was unfair?

  • Devin: Oh thank you, well it's a part of the process, sooner or later everyone has to go except one, so eighth place was my time and I'm glad to take it.

KW: Did you feel that you were unfairly judged on that last group song?

  • Devin: Not really unfairly, I think that I am a little at fault, I didn't forget my lyrics but I felt like in a group its up to one person to represent you and it was my job as a brother to the other two to maybe discuss learning the lyrics a little better, and had we known we were so unsure we maybe should not have done that song. What happened happened, and Nicki was appauled at that performance I know, and even though my solo went better I know that that's what people remembered in their minds.

KW: Now that you're off Idol, we hear that you want to win prom king at your military school, what are your chances?

  • Devin: Prom is June 1st and so I'm hoping that with all this publciity that i don't get too busy cause I am still a kid, I have my last teenage years and I want to live them up, and it's always been my dream to win Prom King. I won homecoming king this year before I came to Idol, and I dont think that dream is too far out of reach!

KW: There are only two guys left on the show now, do you think a girl will win this year?

  • Devin: You know you can never be sure, I know the odds are scary right now but if the guys step it up they have a chance. The talent that's left right now is amazing.

KW:  Will you continue to work at Starbucks when you return to Chicago?

  • Devin: I kind of want to for the money reasons, but it might be kind of hard now that people know who I am, I won't just be writing "caramel macchiato" on cups, I might be signing them, so I don't know how that will work out.

KW: Will you still be going to college in the fall? Do you still want to go to the music college?

  • Devin: Depending on how the American Idol tour goes I would still like to enroll, I would stil llove to get my degree in music education, its been my dream for the last year and half and I keep in touch with those people, so I'm definitely still thinking about it.

KW: Which week did you find the most challenging and why?

  • Devin: When I sang "Temporary Home", its interesting because when I heard "Temporary Home" I had a connection with the song meaning but there were no points for me to shine that week and it was the first time I found myself in the bottom two.

KW: Who will you keep in touch with on the show?

  • Devin: Everyone! There's no way I could narrow it down, these people are my family - we've been together for three months, I have fallen in love with these people, the guys I've had them as roommates and the girls we've gotten closer and closer through the weeks, the saddest thing about leaving the show is leaving your brothers and sisters.

KW: What would you like to say to your fans, the Devineers?

  • Devin: Thanks for the love and support no matter what, and as longa s I have my devineers, my god and support from my parents I think that anything is achieveable.

Check out Devin singing "The Long and Winding Road" below!                                                                                                                                                               


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